
(English version below)
3月1日には、遠隔での授業、保護者会などを行えるように、米Zoom Video Communications社がクラウド型ビデオ会議サービス「Zoom」を教育関係者向けに無料で提供すると発表※1するなど、オンライン教育を広げる動きがあります。
※1 【Zoom】遠隔授業向け クラウドビデオ会議サービス「Zoom」 ■学校への提供 ■無料(2020年4月30日まで)
https://www.learning-innovation.go.jp/covid_19/zoom/※2 総務省「通信利用動向調査(世帯編)」
https://www.soumu.go.jp/johotsusintokei/statistics/statistics05b1.html※3 世帯年収別にパソコンなどの普及率の現状をさぐる(2019年版)
https://news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/fuwaraizo/20190508-00124877/※4 文部科学省「令和元年度学校基本調査」 https://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/toukei/chousa01/kihon/kekka/k_detail/1419591.htm
◎PC and Wi-Fi for every child if school closure is extended!
Following the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s announcement of its policy of extending the closure of metropolitan schools until Golden Week in May in response to a surge in the number of people infected with the new coronavirus, municipalities like Bunkyo and Kita wards have also decided to extend school closures.
As the movement to extend school closures spreads across the country, a worrying factor is the decline in pupils’ academic performance due to the inability to secure the number of classes per year.
That’s why online education is attracting so much attention at the moment.
On March 1, Zoom Video Communications announced that it would provide a cloud-based video conferencing service called “Zoom” to educators free of charge*1 to enable them to hold classes and parent meetings remotely.
【 Some families don’t have a computer or internet access 】
However, do you know that there are families who do not have a PC or Internet environment, which is naturally necessary for online education?
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ “Survey on Telecommunication Use in 2018″*2, 14.6% of households consisting of two adults or less and a child (19 years old or younger) do not own a PC, and 3.5% do not use the Internet at home, indicating that some children do not have access to online education.
And of course, the lower the income, the lower the PC ownership rate. 3
In other words, the income disparity will lead to the digital disparity, the internet disparity.
【 Get them PC and Wi-Fi routers ASAP】
To solve this situation immediately and advance online education, please provide PCs and Wi-Fi routers to children who do not have access to online education ASAP!
Assuming that 10% (960,000) of the nation’s 9.6 million*4 elementary and junior high school students are provided with this service, even if the annual fee for a PC is 100,000 yen and the annual Wi-Fi usage fee is 40,000 yen, the total cost is about 134 billion yen. It’s not an amount that can’t be spent at a time when we’re about to spend tens of trillions of yen on economic measures.
While this is an aspect of emergency measures in response to prolonged school closures, it is by no means expensive when you consider that it is also an investment in the future to push online education forward.
Turning the pinch of corona shock into an opportunity to spread online education. Isn’t that exactly what we should be doing to our children now?
1 [Zoom] Cloud video conferencing service for remote learning “Zoom” ■Provision to schools ■Free (until April 30, 2020)
2 Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications “Telecommunication Usage Trend Survey (Households)
3 Examine the current status of PC penetration by household income (2019 version)
*4 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, “Basic Survey of Schools for the First Year of Reiwa” https://www.mext.go.jp/…/c…/kihon/kekka/k_detail/1419591.htm